Classical guitar & plucked instruments
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Born in Albacete (Spain), Doctor of Music from the U.A.X. and Professor of Guitar at Madrid Royal Conservatory of Music, he received the following training and obtained the following academic degrees:
Doctor in the line of music research by the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid, with the thesis “Contributions of José Tomás (1934- 2001) to the evolution of the repertoire, interpretation and teaching of the guitar”, directed by Dr. G. Arriaga Moreno (2017).
- Diploma of Advanced Studies in Musicology by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with the paper on the unpublished Tobarra manuscript “The Tobarra guitar music manuscript and the musician Robustiano Hernández”, directed by Dr. J. Suárez-Pajares (2011 ).
Master of the Duetto School of Valencia in Repertoire and Guitar Performance with Manuel Barrueco (1999).
High Professor Graduate of Guitar by the Superior Conservatory “Oscar Esplá” of Alicante, under the teaching direction of José Tomás (1993)
- Later he continues his training at the Luthier School in Barcelona doing postgraduate studies with Alex Garrobé and in the United Kingdom (Bath International Guitar Festival) with Tom Kerstens and José Tomás (1995-1996).
- Superior Title of Music in Early Plucked Instruments of the Renaissance and Baroque in the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid with the prestigious baroque guitarists and lutenists José Miguel Moreno and Juan Carlos de Mulder (2007).
Awarded with the International Prize "Andrés Segovia" for guitar in Compostela 1997. Honour Mention in the Chamber Music Contest in Manresa 1996.
He has received the masterclass teachings of classical & baroque guitar, lute or vihuela masters and interpretation of early music such as Hopkinson Smith, John Griffiths, Robert Barto and Jordi Savall. And of references in classical guitars worldwide such as David Russell, Eliot Fisk, Pepe Romero, Carles Trepat, José Luis Rodrigo or Demetrio Ballesteros.
He has made recordings for radio and television: RTVE, Radio Clásico, LT-8 Argentina, Radio Cultura de Brasil. He is an artist of Mediaset TV Spain, for whom he has made audiovisual productions with baroque guitar that are broadcast on the television program Musical Cities of Telecinco (Spain) and are broadcast on Iberia airplanes.
He has taught masterclass with classical guitar, baroque guitar, vihuela, tiorba and archlute and has performed continuously since 1990 tours of concerts alone, in chamber and with orchestras (Aranjuez and Andaluz Concerts, Vivaldi and Carulli concerts) in USA, France, Holland , Greece, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil. Among those are remarkable his performances as a soloist with baroque music of Biber and Weiss in the Early Music Festival of Berkeley (USA) and his performance with early Spanish music for S.A.R. Queen Sofia of Spain and Mr. Ambassador of Spain in Athens (Greece).
He is a founding member of the ensemble "La Reverencia", and is usually invited to various ensembles of early music throughout Spain. He is a Resident Through-bass player with baroque guitar, tiorba and archilaúd of the Albacete Symphony Orchestra and the Praeteritum Ensemble. He has performed at the International Festivals of Early Music in Úbeda, Gijón, Simat and Utrecht (Holland).
He has made premieres and first recordings of contemporary live composers such as Salvador Brotons, Roxana Paredes or David Cuevas.
He has published 11 CDs, being a pioneer in the publication of multimedia CDs with audio including scores and musicological study, as well as a pioneer in the publication of live CDs with Renaissance, Baroque, classical and contemporary repertoire (Live in Berlin, QTV, 2014). He has also published books and musical research articles for the I.E.A., Hispanica Lyra, Magazine of the S.G.R and the musical research magazine of the CSMCLM Consonancias.
He has given lectures, conferences, courses and masterclass at the Festivals:
- José Tomás - Villa de Petrer” International Guitar Festival Petrer;
- “Ciutat d'Elx” International Guitar Festival;
- Cartagena Guitar Week;
- “Alcudia Valley” Guitar Festival;
- Cordoba International Guitar Festival;
- International Days of Guitar of Valencia;
- University of Castilla la Mancha;
- Conservatory GB Martini of Bologna;
- "Festival do violao" of Osasco (Brazil), "Universidade de Sao Paulo" and "Fundaçao das artes" (Brazil);
National University of Rosario (Argentina).
After winning two teaching positions by opposition in different fields (M.E.C. , Junta de Andalucía), he is a titular professor, on leave, of Teachers of Music and Performing Arts Corps for the specialty of Guitar, having been a Baroque Guitar and Guitar teacher in the Conservatories "Jerónimo Meseguer" of Almansa and "Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco" of Albacete ".
He worked as a Professor of Guitar, Baroque Guitar, Tablature and Continuo Bass of the Conservatory of Music of Castile-La Mancha.
Since 2019 he is a Guitar Professor of the Royal Superior Conservatory of Music in Madrid.
Since Leo Brouwer highlighted the professionalism of his interpretations, the specialized critic has written: “His interpretation was impeccable, impressing the public despite the complexity of the works addressed with the guitar” (Violao Interchange). “An exceptional concert, with an unquestionable attraction between virtuosity and emotion”, “One of the most outstanding European performers” (Tribune). “A warm, deep and very human reading, in an admirably tainted vihuela” (CD Compact). "... deep connoisseur of the repertoire, knowing how to transmit their language both with a careful interpretation and with specific explanations of the works performed." (The New Spain).